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Learn to Meditate

Are you looking to feel more relaxed and calm?

Are you having trouble sleeping? 
Have you tried to meditate but struggled?
Do you believe you just can't meditate as your mind is too busy?
Would you like to learn to meditate by yourself, instead of listening to meditation recordings?

Learn to Meditate Effortlessly in 30 Days!

I have created this program for you to receive the mental and emotional benefits of a regular meditation practice which you can sustain also after the 30 days are over!

Meditation is the mental process you engage your mind in, that activates the relaxation response in the body. There are many types of meditation. Some require a lot of focus, some require some focus and some require little focus… In this course you will learn “Effortless meditation” which is a meditation technique based on Transcendental Meditation (TM), that requires very little focus while offering huge benefits!

The main concept of this type of mediation is that the mental state of ‘Meditation’ is a natural state for the mind, just like sleep is. The more you try to ‘get there’ the harder it gets (just like sleep ;-) ). In effortless meditation you just allow the mind to find its way ‘home’ to this state, trusting that it will. 

Everything in this type of meditation is effortless: your position, your attitude, your mind floating in and out of thought, emotions coming and going, sensations in your body, noises in your environment… This is ALL part of your meditation! There is NO forcing, NO keeping focus, NO aiming for a ‘good’ mediation and there is NO aiming for a still mind or to let go of your thoughts.…



  • Learn to Meditate

    30 Day Self-directed Effortless Meditation Course

Sign Up is FREE

Balanced in being App

How Do I Sign Up?


  • Click SELECT to directly sign up to the Learn to Meditate in 30 Days program.

  • You receive an email to get INSTANT access to all the practices and the community through your Internet browser and/or your own App​*


* One account gives access to all platforms

What Do I  Get?

  • ​Inspiration to practice each day with daily meditation practices for 30 days (1 or 2 practices per day)

  • Lecture explaining how meditation works, subjects covered include:

    • What is Effortless Meditation

    • The Science of Stress and Meditation

    • The Inner Mechanics of Meditation

    • Your Brain in Meditation

    • Your Nervous System in Meditation

    • The 4 fundamental effects of Meditation

    • How Do you know that you Meditation is working

  • Emotional Processing Technique

  • Enjoyable guidance by an experienced teacher.

  • Your very own App on your Phone or iPad.

  • Lifetime access.

  • Access through your browser or through the "Balanced in Being" App 

This Is For You If You:

  • Are you looking to feel more relaxed and calm

  • Want to release anxiety and/or depression

  • Improve your quality of  sleep

  • Have tried to meditate but struggled

  • Believe you just can't meditate as your mind is too busy

  • Would you like to learn self directed meditation, instead of listening to meditation recordings

  • Want to live your life feeling more calm and happy

What Others Say


Rated 5/5. This course taught me to build meditation into the natural flow of my day. It’s not a chore, it’s a natural practice. (Dave)


Rated 5/5. The course exceeded my expectations and has made meditation an essential daily ritual. (Allyson)


Rated 5/5. Exceeded my expectations. I have received a lifelong gift to ‘declutter’ my thoughts and sit with my mantra in peace ready to move into my day with focus, calm and clarity. (Jenny)


Rated 5/5. This meditation course has changed my life… I know there is always a place in my being to find peace and now much more present in many more moments and usually able to sit thoughts from anxiety or peace without fear … what a gift Thank you (Jenny)


Rated 5/5.  Anneriek has the ability to hold a beautiful safe space for people to connect to her, each other & themselves ❤️ (Ange)


Rated 5/5. I signed up for this course because I had struggled to prioritise having a meditation practice. By the end of the course, I had a solid daily practice and a handful of intense emotional releases that gave me closure on events I didn’t realise I needed closure on. I love how Anneriek dives deeper behind the science of meditation. (Dee)


Rated 5/5. I was recommended to take this course given the stressful nature of my work and also as I was experiencing anxiety during special circumstances. The course, without a doubt, has given me some critical insight and practical techniques on how to achieve relative calmness and less stress. I have been able to experience calmness in a way which I have not experienced before. Great course in every aspect. (Ash)


Rated 5/5. I never really understood the how of meditation. This course took a deep dive. I loved the gradual pace that allowed me to explore all that Anneriek taught. Absolutely loved it. (Alisha)


Rated 5/5. From day 2 I felt the benefits of meditation!! Anneriek demystifies all the ‘woo woo’ of meditation with science based facts. She encourages and coaxes when you stumble with it and is always available to listen. I cannot recommend this course highly enough. Thank you Anneriek this changed my life, I am a much better version of me now - something I always searched for. That 20 minutes in the morning is a practice I prioritise. (Pam)


Rates 5/5. The entire course was effortless. I not only learnt the science behind meditation and the brain but most importantly meditation doesn't just need to be about sitting super still and going into magical Zen mode. I learnt to accept my monkey mind and be at peace with my mind wondering but then how to reign it in and feel complete calmness. I truly could not have learnt this without Anneriek and her guidance. (Ana)

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