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in Being

Online Yoga & Meditation Practices
Online Level 2 Yoga Teacher Training
Health & Wellness Coaching



Hey there, and welcome to this space


In a world that sometimes feels a bit off-kilter, I'm thrilled to have you here on a captivating journey towards 'Balance in Being'. This Program helps you to create inner balance by exploring your feminine and masculine essence through yoga and meditation practices, cultivating a sense of harmony that ripples through your relationship with yourself, others, and the planet.


Your feminine energy is like the vast ocean, fluid and ever-shifting. When in harmony, it radiates a powerful yet receptive aura, embodying autonomy and empowerment.


On the other hand, your masculine energy provides guidance and structure, akin to a steady channel. Its balance brings vision, reliability, and protection, offering direction with a touch of selflessness.


When these energies harmonise within you, they create a unique blend of strength and softness, confidence and compassion, power and grace. It's about finding that sweet spot where structure meets fluidity, and boundaries coexist with space, allowing you to stand firm yet soar gracefully.


I’ve spent an enormous amount of time and energy creating The Goddess and Shiva Sequences because I wanted you to experience powerful yoga and meditation practices and find deeper personal meaning in your practice. Additionally, I wanted to help yoga teachers deliver profound sequences and bring more meaning and philosophy into their classes. I aim to put this knowledge into the hands of as many people as possible.


Built on the yoga principles of kindness, gratitude and self-reflection, this program will teach you how to use the depths of yoga philosophy, to live a more meaningful and joyful existence, regardless of your current circumstances. I hope and trust you’ll find it as powerful and life-transforming as I did.

Looking forward to embarking on this soul-stirring adventure with you,

x Anneriek


"This program delivered way more than expected. A divine experience of movement, self-discovery & realisation that we all hold within ourselves the power to be exactly who we choose to be." ~Ange

The Feminine Archtypes
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Embrace Your Feminine

Go on a transformative journey to awaken your Feminine Essence recognising your own worth and releasing self-limiting beliefs though the exploration of powerful feminine archetypes.

Feminine energy is expansive, it's like an ocean, moving in all directions, shifting, and flowing. When this energy is Imbalanced it becomes dispersed, erratic and scattered. The Balanced Feminine energy embodies its own divine power which is receptive, autonomous and empowered. 

This online yoga program aims to open you to a new way of being. Inviting you to go beyond the barriers of your own self-limiting beliefs and habits and into new levels of sacred self-expression, living your life more authentically. 

Through the use of the feminine archetypes and inspiring, relevant and embodied yoga and meditation practices, you will reconnect to those parts of yourself aching to be revealed, allowing you to reconnect to your divine feminine nature, aiming
 to bring more fluidity, creativity, sensuality and intuitive wisdom into your life. 

"Anneriek will guide you to a new you. A ‘you’ that was always there, waiting to be revealed. There is life before the Goddess experience and life after the Goddess experiences." ~Tanya

Practice with Purpose (Instagram Post).zip - 5.png

She was tired of everyone deciding her life for her. She was ready to figure out who she really was, not what everyone else told her to be.

- Marissa Meyer

The Masculine Archtypes
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Balance Your Masculine

A transformative journey for both men and women, to understand and balance your Masculine Energy.

We live in a patriarchal world where we generally consider masculine qualities to be associated with ego, power, strength, competitiveness and toughness, but that is not what masculinity is about. Masculine energy is guiding, like a channel, supporting direction, structure and meaning. The Balanced Masculine is visionary and has a protective and reliable quality. It is selfless, solid and shows direction.


This online yoga program helps your see a new way of being. Inviting you to go beyond the barriers of your own self-limiting beliefs and habits and into new levels of sacred self-expression, living your life more authentically. 


Through the use of the masculine archetypes and inspiring, relevant and embodied yoga and meditation practices, you will reconnect to those parts of yourself aching to be recognised, allowing you to reconnect to your sacred masculine nature, aiming to bring more balance, courage, boundaries and purpose into your life. 

“A life-changing experience of self-examination and growth while learning and understanding my masculine qualities and embracing them unapologetically. The whole experience handled with real love and care. This program is so so so good!!!” ~Pam


“This program is so much more than a yoga journey. After years of being burnt out from living in my masculine, I shut down to that part of me and spent as much time as possible in my feminine. This journey has helped me to integrate a more balanced version of the masculine back into my life that works with my feminine, not against it. I highly recommend it 🦋”

- Mel

Is This For You?

You don’t need to be smarter, thinner, prettier. You don’t need to be ‘perfect’ in any way, you can come to the mat just as you are! Tight, emotional, unfocused, distracted, irritated, unbalanced, traumatised, feeling not good enough…. Your yoga practice is a place to find a respite from that noise - a place where you are welcomed and accepted, just as you are. A sanctuary for you to withdraw to, where you feel safe and accepted. A place where you can heal your physical, mental and emotional wounds.


"This program is a treasure trove. Anneriek ‘s creativity and passion shine through as she shares her knowledge through yoga flows, meditation, music and more. The App is easy to navigate and each archetype has something unique to offer. A rich and empowering experience awaits you!" ~Julie

Yoga & Meditation, Wellness Coach

The strongest action for a woman is to love herself, be herself and shine amongst
those who never believed she could.

- Unknown

Anneriek Favelle | Mindfulness and Growth Facilitator and Coach

Your Guide & Creator


Anneriek is a 'Teacher in Being' - a senior yoga teacher, meditation & mindfulness facilitator, inner growth coach, somatic movement & dance therapist, Relational Life Therapy practitioner, and yoga teacher trainer.

Balanced in Being is Anneriek’s lifework in which her authentic vision for the yoga practice comes to life. For her, yoga is not about touching your toes or being able to do a handstand. It is about overcoming your fear and your self-doubt. It’s about creating space where you feel stuck. It's about being kind to yourself and connecting to your heart. It’s about believing in yourself and embracing your unique essence.
You will find her teachings a true delight - insightful and challenging as she has a unique ability to allow you to connect to your intuitive power and hear the calls from your heart.

"Anneriek is on another level when it comes to teachers - She inspires, uplifts and truly is a gift to the world." ~Jolan

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